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Channeling Spirit Communication through Trance Mediumship

Spirits Speaking from the Heart at Tranquil Spirit.

Spirit Answers to Visitors' Questions during March and April 2008

This page will be revised bi-monthly.

The following are Hai's and other spirits' responses to miscellaneous questions recently posed by visitors to this web site or by personal visitors to our home. If you would like to ask a general question please complete the Question Form

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Henry on the complexity of human motivations and the wholeness of our True Nature.

Henry came through one night and asked for his words to be passed on to a wider audience. Henry began by telling us were all well-meaning people. He was asked:

Q: Were you a well-meaning person when last one the earth plane?

Henry: I tried to be. I did not always succeed, but I did try to be. It's not always easy though is it? When you mean well, but you don't always manage to make the 'meaning-well' happen. That is the way of it I suppose. Meaning well does not always bring through your actions.

Q: I suppose it's because we don't love enough do we?

Henry: Well we don't love enough or we are confused within ourselves and our minds are split and fractured, not whole. They work in different directions all at once. The secret is to make your minds whole you see, but the human heart, the human intentions are so often fractured I find, spinning off in all kinds of different directions at the same moment. It symbolises our complexity I suppose, the different strands to our thinking and the different wishes and motivations.

What we need to do is to review all those motivations that may affect us and our actions and our thoughts and feelings and to deal with them one by one. Those which I mean are less edifying you see. I mean, by dealing with the ones that are less edifying, one at a time, we find we are left with the one great motivator, the one great, all embracing motivation, which grows and grows as we deal with the lesser ones. Can you follow me in this my friends? And therefore our hearts grow broad and encompass all. Our hearts grow big and love all as we deal with the lesser motivations one by one and send them on their way (laughs quietly). And so our grand motivation grows by which we embrace all and love all.

Q: Yes. Are the lesser motivations ego?

Henry: They are to do with the ego oftentimes, but they are distractions of another kind, snares of another kind that distract us from our centre; this is how we should view it. For there are those who would view these lesser distractions as if they were part of our nature. They point the finger and cast the stone and say this person has done this or not done that. But what they do not understand, my friends is that our Inner Nature, our True Nature is the very essence of love and all embracing-ness and it is only that we have been diverted by our minds distracting us that we have forgotten our True Nature. Cast off the mind's distractions. We are all holy and beautiful. We are beings of holy love and embracing-ness. Goodbye my friends. Reflect upon my words and share them where you can with others.

John the Preacher on false modesty, self-deception and delusion, false and limiting ideas about the self. Our True Nature is perfect.

John told us he was a Doctor of Religion 1541 and lectured students on the matter. He spoke with a commanding voice not unlike that of a preacher in his time. John began by telling us we were fine people. Someone asked him if he was a fine person. He replied:

John: Well I would not lay claim to it, for my purposes my attitude of mind is that it is better to wait for others to comment on whether you are a fine person or not rather than singing your own phrases.

Q: So we need to be modest?

John: Yes modesty, modesty. Genuine modesty is a precious commodity, a precious gift. There were many I knew who had false modesty, who made a show of modesty and if you happened to challenge it out of mischievousness they would appear suddenly ruffled. So modesty indeed is a precious thing, a valuable thing, a virtue. False modesty is false modesty.

Q: Were you playful then? Did you tease people?

John: I would not say I teased sir. I merely revealed to them themselves because they were sadly deluded to think themselves modest whereas they were not. They just needed to wear their modesty as a cloak, as a badge. And they wished everyone to collude with the opinion that they were indeed modest and this was far from the truth, far from the truth. I do not say this to blame them, you understand, but it is rather to point out the complexity of the human personality that is able to deceive itself within its own terms and indeed to believe the falsehoods that it generates; the false images of itself that it generates. This becomes a prison to the person enshrined in this deception, a deception that they become totally blinded to, almost unaware of. But should it be pointed out to them, the rawness of their true perception comes to light. For at a deeper level, within their innermost being, they are aware of what they do, but on the surface are able to perpetuate this pretence, this sham, this artistry, this theatre beyond the bounds of all reasonableness.

Do you follow my reasoning? They create an illusion of themselves like a magic trick, like a lantern that they believe in which takes hold of them, which becomes them, if you wish. But it is not them at all. It is merely their own sham illusion which creates a difficulty for them in getting in touch with their true identity, their true selves. For they create a part, a role for themselves, which they act and re-enact and re-enact day after day.

Q: Well it is hard to see ourselves as others see us.

John: This is true my friend, but we do not always see the beauty in ourselves either. This is the other side of the coin; that we may disparage ourselves also with our illusion. There are some who aggrandise themselves through their illusion, but many would also disparage themselves through their illusion. Both are equally wrong. Both are equally negative and at fault. Then again I do not use the words 'at fault' from the point of view of blame. I merely point out the futility of it, the negativity of it. If we could only be free of such absorption, fixed perception, needing to play the game of our concepts then we would see others and ourselves more fully, more clearly.

Q: But the more successful we are in creating this sham then the harder the shell.

John: Yes this is true sir. It is true what you say and so the shell becomes a concrete encasement through which no chisel may penetrate unless some explosion should occur which may of course be a great painful explosion. For the more the casing becomes hardened the more it will fragment when the explosion comes, bearing the weaknesses of the one behind and within the encasement, causing this one to feel a greater vulnerability than they have ever felt in their life. Yet necessary it is sometimes for such an explosion to occur less the person be encased in their deadly prison beyond the bounds of all compassion and all hope.

Q: Were you a psychiatrist?

John No lady I was a man of the Church. I studied human nature as part of my vocation, contrary perhaps to many of my colleagues, my peers, but I undertook to understand as best I might more of the human side of things. For there were many of my peers who would quote doctrine and dogma, who would quote chapter and verse and indeed they were able to quote chapter and verse because they had studied their bibles to the nth degree and were very quick with a chapter and verse. But yet they could not apply this oftentimes or make sense of natural physical life through such application. I felt there was a need to use common sense, observations of human nature to blend with the interpretation of the bible in order to create a marriage of understanding, of deeper understanding of the human soul.

Q: Is that what you told your parishioners?

John: I was a doctor, I lectured to students, but I suppose they were my parishioners in a sense.

Q: Why do you think people would want to mask an independence of mind?

John: A weakness, a weakness, for they believe that masking that which they find to be inadequate and by entering into this pretence of what they feel to be adequate that they make themselves secure. And so to take my example of the man of false modesty, they feel a need to wear this modesty like a robe so they create the impression of it and (smiles) some would embroider it and put all manner of things on this robe for the robe better to fit this false modesty, this sham modesty, this appearance of modesty. But fundamentally it is because of a sense of their own inner weakness, though this in itself is a false perception because we are all perfect as we are, if we could but realise it, if we could but connect with it. But because we feel we are less than perfect we feel a need to take on the mantle of other things that may vary from person to person.

I merely give modesty as an illustrative example of this but for various people there may be all manner of things they take into their minds in order to be "perfect" or even adequate. They think they must be like this or that and so they shackle themselves to a ball of lead dragging it around with them. They feel it is imperative to be like this or like that, to be a certain manner, a certain way rather than being their True Nature, finding their True Nature, their Oneness with the Eternal spark of Life.

Q: People think they sometimes need to act tough and cannot express feelings.

John: Yes, they will not allow emotions to touch them and so that impoverishes their soul. And so their souls will go on from eternity to eternity should they retain this obstinacy of toughness as you call it. And so my friends it is a sad lesson and a sad warning to us all. If we hang on to such things we may indeed set them along a course in perpetuity until such time that we eventually feel inclined to abandon them, a time which may be a long time coming and we may carry this trend on into the next incarnation should we be so obstinate.

So we must let go my friends of these attachments, these limitations, that like barnacles encrust the hull of our ship and prevent us from sailing forth freely, smoothly, through the waters of life, making little headway and what headway we make indeed is arduous. So we must break off the barnacles, free our ship that we may sail safe and free, light and happy. These barnacles are like stowaways who have free passage having no business on our ship so we are best rid of them.

Q: Have we all got these barnacles?

John: Yes, in different forms and to different degrees, but to be rid of them is the God given mission of us all, each and every one, that our ship may sail free and light to the horizon and beyond.

Q: Did you manage to do that in your lifetime?

John: As much as any human being can do it I tried to do it. But you are all correct in saying that it is not an easy thing to do. We can only do our best. But with the freeing of every single barnacle we become lighter and it is better to be rid of as many barnacles as possible than to not undertake the task.

Q: How did you free yourself of yours?

John: By not feeding them, by not giving them succour or comfort. Do not feed them, scrape them off, hammer them off, whatever suits you, but be rid of them. Do not give them food or comfort, succour or space. Do not feed them. Do not give them energy and they will wither and die as they should do.

Q: Do you still teach?

John: I do sir and they also teach me, for with every person you teach you learn also a new lesson of life. This is the mark of a true teacher, one who learns as he teaches, one who hears the lesson as he preacheth the lesson, indeed.

Q: We always seem to get the best lessons from the doldrums and the hard times.

John: But do not hold on to the doldrums too long lest they become more barnacles on the boat. Learn the lesson and then it is time to feed the barnacles to the crabs. I shall leave you now my good friends. I have enjoyed our conversation. God bless you all. May the spirit within you find you your way. Goodbye.

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